Honda India has launched the automatic variant of its hatch, the Brio in two trims – S(O) at Rs 5.74 lakh and V at Rs 5.99 lakh (both prices ex-showroom, Delhi), approximately Rs 60,000 more than the equivalent manual trim. The Brio AT is the first car in its segment to feature a 5-speed automatic transmission. The company has also introduced a new manual transmission version called as Brio EX , that takes the total variant number to 7; 5 manual transmission and 2 automatic.
The Automatic variant of Honda Brio will be powered by same a 1.2
liter i-VTEC engine which will generate 88 PS max power at 6000 rpm
while peak torque is slated to be at 109 Nm at 4500 rpm mated to a five
speed automatic transmission. The Brio AT gets similar auto ’box to the
one doing duty in the Honda City but there are no paddle shifters behind
the steering wheel.
Honda Brio AT will be able cruise at a maximum speed of 140 kmph and
will have the capacity to sprint from 0 to 100 kmph in 17.1 seconds
(which is 4.25 seconds more than the manual).
ARAI claimed fuel efficiency is 16.5kmpl (2.9kmpl less than the
manual), but the sad news is that there is no diesel variant being
offered by Honda at least for the moment, but the company has promised
one in the coming year. As of now the Brio AT competes with the likes of
the Hyundai i10 AT and Maruti A-Star AT.
Prices of Honda Brio (Ex-showroom, Delhi) -
- Honda Brio E MT – Rs. 4,06,000
- Honda Brio EX MT – Rs. 4,26,000 (new)
- Honda Brio S MT – Rs. 4,55,000
- Honda Brio S(O) MT – Rs. 4,99,000
- Honda Brio S(O) AT - Rs. 5,74,000 (new)
- Honda Brio V MT – Rs. 5,24,000
- Honda Brio V AT – Rs. 5,99,000 (new)
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Jnaneswar Sen. Sr. VP, Marketing & Sales, Honda Cars India Ltd., said –
“We are delighted to introduce the new variants “Automatic” and “EX grade” of Honda Brio. It is our constant endeavour to study customers’ emerging needs and aspirations and introduce features that enhance the overall ownership experience. We are confident that these additions in the Brio line up will appeal to our customers.”
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