Days ago, in a low key launch, Audi India launched its entry level, high volume product for the Indian car market, the Q3 Crossover. While the launch happened amidst low fanfare, with an emailed press release announcing the Q3 going on sale in the Indian car market, the crossover in itself is one of the most important products in the Volkswagen group owned German luxury car maker’s Indian portfolio. So, Audi India is going all out to ensure that the Q3 gets enough visibility for traction at the hustings. Here is a little music video in the form of an anthem that Audi has out put out for the Q3.
Called “Start Young”, the video has a distinct Indian appeal, right from the car used to the people and the city featured in it. Start Young signifies the positioning of the Audi Q3, in that it targets the younger and first time Audi buyers. The Q3 has therefore been positioned as the entry level model in Audi’s range, at a very attractive price of under INR 26 lakhs for the base variant, which comes with a 2 liter, 177 Bhp-350 Nm, turbo diesel engine. The pricing is bang in the middle of BMW X1 territory and the Q3 is expected to give the X1 stiff competition.
Bollywood actor John Abraham is featured in this video and the actor’s youthful appeal seems like an attempt by Audi to match the pulse of the younger Indians. Audi India’s association with Bollywood and other celebrities in India has been on the upswing in recent years. Names like Lisa Ray, Gul Panag and Katrina Kaif have been a part of Audi’s various launch campaigns. Most recently, Gul Panag was seen reveling in the Audi S4′s media drive on the Buddh International Circuit, while Lisa Ray and Katrina Kaif unveiled the Q3 crossover at the 2012 Indian Auto Expo in January, this year.
Audi has also been painting the social media scene red, scoring over rivals like BMW India and Mercedes Benz. Audi has chosen Facebook to release this latest video and weeks ago, the brand ran an innovative, buzz building Facebook campaign to bring the S4 high performance sedan to India. A late entrant into the Indian market, Audi is currentlythe second largest premium luxury car brand in India, after displacing Mercedes Benz from that position and now has its sights firmly set upon BMW, which is the market leader.
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